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So what do you do for living?

So what do you do for living?

How often have you heard these words the first time you meet someone?

Likely many many times, as what "you do" equates to "who you are" for many...

This out dated barometer would then jump into action and the person would be judging up whether you were "successful" in life by what your role earns in general and what current status might be attached to it... Rather than the life you lead...

All rather disappointing I know... Are we all so shallow? Thankfully not.

But it does affect people none the less and over time many become caged by the persona that's created for them under these "rules" and as such when that is suddenly lost to them, as is happening in greater numbers to those in the workplace and over 50 years old suddenly for them their identity is gone, removed, stripped away, and it can leave a person feeling a little lost as to what happened and what to do next...

This unhealthy and frankly economically dangerous practice of companies putting workers out to pasture so to speak at around 50 years old or even younger in some markets is a massive mistake in terms of the companies concerned as it means they are failing to manage their greatest assets, their people, and potentially harmful to the economies of countries in the process.

Especially when balanced against:

A) People are generally living longer.

B) The actual retirement age in many countries has or will be pushed further out ( as the countries struggle to cover the growing costs).

C) Birth rates are dropping sharply across the world meaning in the longer term fewer people of a working age cover the costs of a greater number of people not working.

When this "put out to grass" happens the why, and the who they are in many ways are suddenly gone, and this can push people towards depression, anxiety, loss of energy and further illnesses that all take a toll on their families, friends and the various medical services that they need assistance from.

All that experience, all that knowledge needs to be redirected towards achievable goals benefiting the person, their family and their community.

This is the mission behind The Greypreneur / ReeBoot.

We are creating a platform built to help people recapture their purpose, identify new goals and create their own future.

Feeling that we contribute in some way to the greater society is embedded in almost all of us... It doesn't vanish when a person ages.

We believe this ongoing, harnessed contribution is paramount to our collective futures and the well-being of millions of greypreneurs.

If this message sparks a flame in you please consider joining our community.

Thank you.


Human Elemental Asia PTE Ltd,
05/10,  221 Henderson Road, Singapore,



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